Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Kim!!!

Happy Birthday Kim!! Surprise! I am giving you a much overdue tribute on your special day. Thanks for being a great "big" sister. I have always looked at you that way even though you are only minutes older. There is so much about you that I admire and wish that I could be more like. Let's take a walk down memory lane.....

First of all, you can dance and I always knew it and felt jipped that you got ALLLL the moves. I will forever be amazed when I think of how you did the moonwalk after watching Michael do it on the Grammy's. It was magic before my eyes and you guessed it, I was JEALOUS! No way could I do that! And I was Michael's biggest fan, remember? You were always the outgoing one and so not self-conscience. I was your polar opposite. I wished I was more spontaneous and free like you. If I could rewind the clock I would have had more fun like you and lived a little more. (just a little)

Thanks for being my captive audience. We shared a room forever and you were stuck with all of my abnoxious and seriously annoying attempts to prevent you from going to sleep. I still remember how much you loved your sleep and I tortured you with whatever craziness was going on in my head. Can you remember my impersonation of Bill Cosby? What was wrong with me?! It didn't matter how much you pleaded, begged, and cried for me to shut up and let you sleep I always knew you would break down and laugh; even if it was in your pillow so it was barely audible. Anyway, I was always after the laughs and you always gave them to me. Thank you! This is a good time to apologize for trying to blackmail you by threatening to tell that you were kissing.... what was his name again? Again, I was just jealous because I wan't kissing anyone and you guessed it....too shy!

Okay, how come you inherited mom's green thumb at everthing you attempt? You do most things really well....just like mom. How did you sew those American Girl doll clothes so easily? Do you know how long I have been trying to learn to sew and I am always still learning? I am in awe once again! You have so many talents! You can sing, cook, bake, sew, dance, make whatever you want to make. You can do it all!

Thanks Kim for being my twin sister. It was fun growing up together, most of the time! We for sure never saw eye to eye but we had fun! Thanks for crying hysterically when I was packing my little bag to run away at eight years old, for playing wonder twins, money machine, and for letting me take us as high as we could go on the rockets at Disneyland! I left with some hair left and lots of pinch marks on my arm but it was worth it! I can still hearing you yelling at me to stop lifting us up into the air! Classic! Have a Happy 35th Birthday! Love you!




Win said...

Happy birthday to the both of you! :-)

Kimmy said...

You made me cry! That was the nicest thing you've ever said to me! I was laughing and doing the ugly cry while I was reading that! I really loved it! How did you think to do that? You made me feel so good and gave me a good reminder of how lucky I was to have grown up as a twin with you! It wasn't all that bad now was it? I hope you have a great birthday and thanks again! I love you too! Happy Birthday....xoxo kim

Jackie said...

Thanks Winnie!

Jackie said...

Have a great day! I'm glad you liked it!!!

lindseyflood said...

Jackie that is so thoughtful of you to write that for Kim! Happy birthday to the both of you ! You are a funny writer! I really enjoyed reading all those memories!

daisy said...

Wait. If it was your sister's birthday yesterday then it was yours too. Nice. Happy Birthday Jackie!!! and sister Kim.

Dee said...

That was SO funny! I loved reading it! My favorite part is Kim always breaking down and laughing! Now I see why you didn't leave her alone!

Dee said...

The Bill Cosby!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha ha ha!

And Kim doing the moonwalk?!? SOOOOOOO funny!

Jennifer said...

gosh jackie you made ME cry! that was really sweet! you were going to run away when you were 8? you can impersonate bill cosby? there's so much i don't about you guys! like kim i'm doing the ugly cry lol! that was such a nice tribute to kim.

Jennifer said...

how do you play wonder twins???

Tara said...

Happy birthday! I loved reading yours and Kim's posts to each other. You are both so funny. So many memories with the both of you. You both are so different but I think you complement each other so well. I hope you have a good day!

Kimmy said...

It was such a shock to see my picture on Jackie's blog! I took a second glance because I thought I was on the wrong one! Yes we played wonder twins deactivate! We would put our fists together and say "wonder twin turn into a lion"! lol We would do that to clean our room faster! hahaha! We were dorks!

Jackie said...

Thanks Tara!

Jackie said...

Thanks Jennifer! I was crying when I wrote it! We are all a bunch of cry babies!

Dee said...

I KNOW! Between all three of our blogs I'm starting to feel some tenderness overload. I can't take it! It's been fun but, UGH! Too much. :)

Kimmy said...

deann your hilarious! tenderness overload! hahaha!

Erica said...

Happy Birthday Jackie!!!

Jackie said...

Thanks, Erica!

The Tomlinsons said...

I hope you had a happy birthday, Jackie. I can't wait to see your new house tomorrow!

Laura and her boys! said...

This is such a sweet tribute! Happy Birthday!