I have a cat pooping in my kids' sandbox. And it's not just once in a while it's all of the time and a lot. I am asking myself why I am having this problem AGAIN. We had a problem with a dog that pooped all over my grass at our previous house. It was beyond annoying and I still can't understand how people can be soooooo inconsiderate. As far as I'm concerned people who knowingly let their animals out to do their thing do not own pets but wild animals.
So, here I am again and it's frustrating!! If anyone has any suggestions please send them my way. I'm trying cayenne pepper tonight. Tommorrow who knows what I'll be capable of.
Slow Start
1 week ago
You really do have bad luck in that way!!!! I'm kind of surprised the dog didn't wander to your new house too. I've got nothing for the cat though, except get a dog of your own?
Don't even get Shayne started about dog poop. Let me know if the pepper works in the sand box.
Oh man Jackie! That's not good! Can you just cover the sand box with something when the kids aren't using it?
Our sandbox is pretty big but I did cever most of it with a plastic cover. I need to get a couple more to completely cover it.
I wish I knew the answer to that. I have a big dog that I regularly let have at all the cats that wonder through.So sorry. I would love to see your yard though. Have Jason take some pictures.
call animal control! I'm serious! They will bring a cage over and after it is caught they will pick it up. I believe people should contain their pets or not have them!
P.s. pour vinegar over your sand, and if it has been pooped in a lot you may need new sand. Cat poop is bad for humans and not good for your girls to play in. We had to get rid of our large sandpile because of this same problem. Very frustrating.:(
I'm so sorry jackie. We got rid of our sandbox for that very reason. There are a few cats roaming around our neighborhood. I hope thepepper works.
EWWWW! that is gross. I want a sandbox for my kids so bad but I always hear about how cats poop in them. :(
Jackie cats are outside animals and like to be outside and are not capable of being controlled where they pee! You can't train them like dogs! BUT...I completely empathize with your problem. Simple solution! COVER THE SANDBOX WHEN THE KIDS ARE NOT PLAYING IN IT! see problem solved!
My grandfather uses a small gun---but I can't (and wouldn't) endorse the idea ;-)
I am not a cat lover. I would choose Winnie's idea.
The thought actually crossed my mind!! I'm sure Jason has the perfect one to do the trick!
Jackie thanks for being a wonderful wife to Jason. He is a special man and you take such good care of him. We are so proud of the wonderful father and husband he has become.
About the cats....We had the same thing happen many years ago and I was so frustrated also. I tried to shoot them once with a BB gun and I can't believe I actually hit the darn thing. Then Linna went running down the street to tell the owners what had happened. If you try it, do it without anyone watching. hehe
Love you so much! Gayle
Try putting gallon jugs filled with water in the corners. Someone told me this works. It may be for dogs, though. Good Luck!
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