The last few days have been exhausting! I had taken my girls school shopping and was getting everything lined up for the first day of school when I received a call from Vista Charter School informing me that two spots were open for my girls. I told them I would let them know and I had about 24 hours to confirm. I went ahead and confirmed knowing I could still back out and continued to try and make a final decision. If you know me, you know what making a final decision means. I obsessively thought about it, called and got differing opinions, did my research on the school, prayed and prayed. Emma asked me if I was going to take my whole life to make a decision! Anyway, today I decided to go for it! It seems like a great opportunity for my girls and a good fit for now. I am not a risk taker so this is scary for me but I'm feeling good about it and trying to be as confident as I can. I got some great advice from my girls' preschool teacher. She said once you make a decision, make it the right one and put your whole heart into it. I'm sure Wednesday is going to be an exciting day for us and hopefully my girls will come home happy about their new school!
jackie, my mom switched my school in 6th grade and i was so nervous but thank heaven she did! i would not be have the amazing girlfriends i still have today! i know everything will be perfect.
that is such a tough decision and great advice from your preschool teacher. i need to use that advice more in my own life. :)
Jackie I think it's awesome that you went for this. Sometimes the best things in life come with change. I can't wait to hear more about the girls first day of school. So will this be for Emma and Julia?
Hey I said pretty much the same thing as that teacher too, LOL! jk...
I think it'll be great! if not, no harm done, you can always go back to the other school.
How are the girls feeling about it?
YEAH! I can't wait to hear all about it. Very exciting for you gals!!
You did the right thing! Wow, but school starts earlier each year! I bet the girls are so excited! Can't wait to get a report from them.
I am not a risk taker either, I am such a chicken! Good job. I thought maybe you moved or something! LOL!
Good Luck!!! I hope it all went well :)
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