Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today was the last day of school! Yelling and screaming filled the air as soon as the bell rang! I could hear the excitement from the front yard. The girls came home to balloons and a finish line for another school year under their belts. Great job girls!


Holly O. said...

That is the cutest idea ever!!! I do believe I will have to copy that one. Cute girls...enjoy the summer!

Erica said...

Jackie... that is the cutest idea ever. You are a great mommy and yeah to summer break

Megan said...

That is such a fun idea! And I so
wish I had summer break!

lindseyflood said...

Jackie, the girls must have loved coming home to that! I'm with Meg, I want summer break again with no worries.

Crystal said...

Such a fun mommy!!! I'm going to copy you next year.

Dee said...

oh my gosh, I love that idea, so CUTE! I'm stealing that one!

Laura and her boys! said...

Such a cute idea!!! I love the finish line... I'm so using it next year :)

The Tomlinsons said...

The balloons are so fun!

Unknown said...

Gee Jackie! That was a photo finish, WOW