It is no secret that I am disappointed Obama won. But he won and now all I can do is have hope that he will be a good President for our country. I'm so nervous about where he is going to take this country because he never exactly told us what "change" means. Time will tell.
I'm so tired of the Bush bashing. He made some mistakes but I think it is a great thing that he has kept our country safe from another attack all of these years.
I'm so thankful Prop 8 passed! I was living in California when Prop 22 was passed and it is so amazing to me that four judges overturned the will of the people. I don't think so! Thank you California for passing Prop 8. This will have a positive impact for the whole country. It sends a message that traditional values are still alive and well, even in California. Thank you for quietly and compassionately carrying this burden in the face of true discrimination and intolerance. If there was a silver lining in this election, it was this!
3 days ago
Hi Jackie, Did you get my post-election message? Let's just hope Obama's term is as good as his acceptance speech. I question the nature of "change" he often refers to, also. As for Prop 8, so many people gave of the time and means and had faith in a positive outcome.
Rob participated ALOT in Prop 8. He had some amazing experiences. He had people throw stuff at him, call him names, try to hit him with cars, and so much more. He even had the police called on him because he was protesting. He also talks about how strong he felt the spirit and felt the protection of the lord.
We too are very excited and proud that the people of California stood up and said in a majority voice, "WE STILL HAVE BELIEFS AND WE STILL HAVE MORALS."
For all those that claim we are bigots and don't support are just wrong. If I am a bigot because of my beliefs and morals they are also bigots. They are bigots towards religion and are just as bad.
We appreciate all the support we all received.
Hi Jackie I agree. I'm so tired of Bush bashing. He is not alone and not the sole cause of our countries mess. The democrats allowed Fannie/Freddie to fund these loans that screwed up the housing market and so on. But lets all stick together and support Obama unless he gives us a reason not to. I know he has a VERY questionable past but lets try to look past what we can't change and look to the future. I am hopeful also.
You said that so well that we faced the burden of true discrimination and intolerance. It is SO TRUE.
I feel the same as you in many regards. All we can do is hope for the best and stand up for what we believe in. I am so grateful for all the members in California who have done just that these last several months. It is at uncertain times like this that I'm so grateful for the gospel. Where do other people not of our faith find true peace and happiness in a world like we live in?
I so agree with you. It has been a real struggle, between the economy, politics, and what our leaders are saying to us. We had regional stake conference this last week, and I went away totally overwhelmed, scared, fearful of where we are headed. It was something to watch our stake president give the congregation a priesthood blessing and then the next day listen to pres. Packer. To think, he could be our next prophet and then listen to him tell us that things are changing and to learn to recogninze revelation and to tighten our belts. What really frightens me more than just Obama getting elected is that one party controls the house, the senate and the white house. There is no check and balance. One party controls it all. They could do whatever they want.
I was exillerated when our prop.102 passed here. Yes, with a lot of negative comments, nothing like CA though. Interesting that similar margins passed those prop. here in AZ as well as Fl. with no law suits. I am so glad that there is still some morals, however small. More than that, I am glad that we can still exercise our right to vote on what we want, and to have those freedoms still in tact. I worry that in the not to distant future we will begin to see some of those freedoms disappear.
Well stated Jackie!
I completely agree! So glad prop 8 passed!
After a wonderful debate with some who do not share our views, I only have one thing to say Jackie. Amen. Thankfully the majority of people of California decided correctly on the side of traditional marriage. At least one thing went right in this election!
Well said jackie. I am so proud that all the churches in California came together to fight for morality. My sister Cheri was asked to donate 4 hours a week of her time, holding signs on street corners and going door to door. My parents were also asked to donate time and money which they did. I think the picketing in front of the temples is disgusting.
I too have this kind of scared feeling about Obama being the president. I am thrilled about Prop 8, the latest thing I heard however was that people are boycotting Utah as a place to visit because of the church's involvement. It's all just so sad, and says so much about how far our society has come. So does electing Obama.
Very well said Jackie... The Bible says to "Pray for our leaders", and now we must do that for our country.
I am so happy Prop 8 won. Our family put in countless hours with Scott being the Elders Quorum President. I was AMAZED how many church members were NO on me this was such a "no brainer". Today it was announced it will go back to the Supreme Court to decide(though not till March) Another famous leader in time mantra was also "change" ...Hitler and we all know how that turned out. I agree let's pray for our new "elect" president :)
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