I don't know how many more times I will be able to convince Jason that the time has come, once again, to take the girls to Disneyland. So far I have been successful every time and I think it is because he knows how much I love to go.
This year it was Carissa's first time and Grace's magical year because she was finally able to grasp the whole idea. She opened up the hotel curtains and was telling all of us to get up and yelling out the window to Pooh Bear that she was on her way.(All in her own language of course that only a mother can understand)
The weather was beautiful during the day and a little chilly at night. It was also NOT busy. It was great! Emma and Julia braved Space Mountain this year. Julia loved it and went on three times. Once was enough for Emma. She looked horrified in the picture they take. It was so sad!
My sisters and their kids came Thursday and then my parents came Friday night. We went on a few rides and then they took the girls home so Jason and I could have a date night. We ran to California Adventure and went on Tower of Terror! I love it!! It was very cool. We also went on Screamin' a few times and I seriously screamed my head off. I felt like a teenager again! Thanks, mom and dad for taking care of the girls!

Carissa and Grace on Casey Jr.! They loved this ride. It is the cutest!

Crissy and cousin Laney on their pretty horses!

Auntie Lindsey and Auntie Jen riding with the girls on Winnie the Pooh. Look how excited Grace looks!

Our hands were full of luggage when we left the hotel so we came up with this to transport Carissa!