Sunday, August 17, 2008

On Checkstands Now!

"New Ways To Get Your Kids To Eat Fruits & Veggies!" That is all I needed to get suckered into buying this cookbook. I do have a cookbook addiction but I felt justified buying this because Grace and Julia hardly eat anything but milk and cereal. Julia would eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I let her. I made the fun PBJ on a stick you see above and her eyes lit up when I served it to her! She said,"Oooh, that looks yummy!" She ate it without a complaint. I was very excited! Just make sure you explain the dangers of the stick because they are pretty sharp on the ends!


Holly O. said...

I need that too! Connor is great about eating fruits and veggeies. Will won't touch anything good except Cheerios!

Dee said...

THANKS for the info! I'm totally getting it!

Tara said...

That looks so good! Have you heard of the sneaky chef cookbook? I bought it and it really does work. I put sweet potato and squash puree in almost everything saucy that I make for my kids and they never notice. I feel good because they are getting some health benefit from all the junk they like :)

Jackie said...

I don't have that one but I've heard about it. I need to pick it up!

Unknown said...

Wow, Jackie. Very smart of you! Kids will eat anything that looks like fun. I know how picky Julia is. That looks really yummy. Good investment.....

The Pope Family said...

Clever! I'll have to check it out.
I try to sneak grated zucchini into certain dishes. My kids love smoothies for breakfast, so I add toasted wheat germ to the fruit and yogurt.

Linna Merrill said...

I love seeing those big beautiful eyes. She was right, it looks yummy. Where did you get it? Is it a magazine or a cook book? She is soo cute. Is she still loving school? Her first week is almost over. I read there is a sequel to twilight, " midnight sun", it is Edwards story. I read it on her website. Cant wait. I feel another set of books comming on. Miss you.

Jennifer said...

That looks really yummy! Fortunatley Hannah isn't a picky eater, we were eating hot dogs at costco the other day and she wanted onions and saurkraut on it and she liked it! lol But I bet she still would like it if I made creative meals like this one...very cute!